Why do we eat what we eat?

Baby eating a cake without hands

Baby eating a cake without hands

Most of us know that a healthy diet is one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. At the very least, we understand that we should aim to eat more fruits and vegetables.

However, looking at food choices purely through a health lens can be overly simplistic. It ignores the many other reasons people choose the foods they eat.

So, why do we make the food choices we do?

A recent study in Victoria explored this very question, asking participants how they decide what to eat and what barriers prevent them from making healthier choices.

While taste and health are important, the study found that food decisions are often shaped by a variety of other factors, including:

  • Household preferences

  • Family activities

  • Workplace environments

  • Time constraints

  • Convenience

  • Price

For example, some participants mentioned that kids’ sporting events disrupt their weeknight meal plans. Others talked about wanting to cook elaborate, healthy meals but simply not having enough time to do so regularly.

To be honest, this post is simply summarising information from one study - There is actually WAY more contributing factors to what people eat.

Understanding these reasons makes us more empathetic and aware that healthy eating isn't always easy. Simply educating people about what to eat isn’t enough. As a consumer it can also allow you to be kinder to yourself.

The study provided these 5 practical tips to help make healthier choices:

  1. Meal prep on less busy days: This sets you up for success when you're short on time.

  2. Keep healthy snacks on hand: Think fruit, crackers, protein shakes, or yogurt for when you're on the go.

  3. Discuss food preferences with family: Agree on healthy meals that everyone enjoys, and introduce new foods to kids in small portions alongside familiar favorites.

  4. Choose healthier take-out options: If you rely on take-out, make a list of healthier choices, like grilled proteins instead of fried, and vegetables or salads instead of chips.

  5. Buy in-season or frozen/canned produce: These are quick, nutritious, and often more affordable alternatives.

This topic is definitely more complex than what can be covered in a quick online post, but I hope this short article sheds some light on why we eat the way we do.


  1. https://theconversation.com/we-know-what-to-eat-to-stay-healthy-so-why-is-it-so-hard-to-make-the-right-choices-231489


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